1st Valcamonica International Accordion Competition – Italy

August 18th 2023
Christine Johnstone
Fisarmonica Vallecamonica

The 1st Valcamonica International Accordion Competition will be held in Valcamonica, Brescia, Italy on September 23rd and 24th, 2023, organised by the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica, the Union of Municipalities of Val Saviore, the Municipality of Cevo, the Pro Loco Valsaviore, the Promo Cevo and the Association “El Teler” of Berzo Demo.

The competition aims to promote musical culture and enhance young musicians. The Artistic Director is Eugenia Marini.

The event is open to accordionists of all nationalities. The jury will be made up of Vincenzo Abbracciante, Saria Convertino, Michele Fedrigotti, Marie-Andrée Jeorger and Eugenia Marini (Secretary of the Commission Francesco Zaccaria).

Registrations close on August 31, 2023.

Download competition rules here: 2023Valcamonica