6th Nurmes Summer Music & Summer Academy – Finland

June 3rd 2024
Christine Johnstone
26th Nurmes Summer Music & Summer Academy

The 26th Nurmes Summer Music & Summer Academy festival will be held in Nurmes, Finland from June 29th to July 7th, 2024.

The event will feature a variety of concerts, workshops and masterclasses.

Concert accordionist and composer, Veli Kujala will hold an accordion and improvisation workshop on July 2nd.

Maria Kalaniemi will perform a concert entitled “Bellows’ emotions and stories” at the Hannikainen Hall, Nurmes House in Nurmes on July 5th, 2024 at 7pm. The concert will feature the entire spectrum of musicianship from meditative compositions to gems of early dance music.

For further information email: nurmesfestival@gmail.com