6th Prix Annelie De Man Festival – Netherlands

November 17th 2023
Christine Johnstone
6th Prix Annelie De Man Festival
Black Pensil Group

The 6th Prix Annelie De Man Festival will be held at the Orgelpark in Amsterdam, Netherlands from November 29th to December 3rd, 2023.

The festival features a colourful program full of contemporary music from both Dutch and international composers. Several world premieres will be performed. “Black Pencil” (picture left) is the “Ensemble in Residence” during the Prix Annelie de Man.

Festival program:

• November 29th at 8.15pm: Opening concert – Ivan Božicevic (1961) White Birds (2022/23) world premiere for recorder, pan flute, viola, accordion, percussion and hyper organ (Ivan Božicevic).
• November 30th at 8.15pm: Works for ensemble Black Pencil and harpsichord with Ere Lievonen.
• December 1st at 8.15pm: Works by the finalists of the composer competition. They are Niccolò Angioni (1992-Italy) – Unconscious Patterns; Nikodem Kluczynski (1999-Poland) – Black hole disco interference; and Ruud Roelofsen (1985-Netherlands) – Wraith II. The winner of the Black Pencil Prize 2023 will be announced during the final concert of the Prix Annelie de Man on December 3rd.
• December 3rd at 8.15pm: Final concert – Roderik de Man (1941): Extravaganza (2023) world premiere – 6 harpsichords (Piibe Talen, Liuba Titarenko, Elena Khurgina, Jane Chapman, Kristian Nyquist, Menno van Delft), 3 organs (Ere Lievonen, Silvia Máquez) and Ensemble Black Pencil.