Accordion 200th Anniversary Accordion Lovers Night Vol 1 – Japan

May 31st 2024
Accordions Worldwide
Accordion 200th Anniversary Accordion Lovers Night Vol 1

In 2029, the accordion will celebrate its 200th anniversary. Accordion Lovers Night is a concert that counts down the final six years. It is a place where young people can pursue the possibilities of this instrument and take on the challenge of learning new music. This festival only happens once every 200 years. Let’s have a blast together!

The Accordion Lovers Night Vol 1 concert will take place at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Small Hall in Tokyo, Japan on July 7th, 2024 from 5.30pm, organised by Tokyo Onkyo.

Performers feature Coba, Charan Po Lantern, MeguRee, Oshidori, Tomomi Matsubara and Futa.