Akkordeon Orchester March Advent Concerts – Switzerland

December 8th 2023
Christine Johnstone

Akkordeon Orchester March Advent Concerts
Accordion Orchestra will perform a second concert

The Akkordeon Orchester March (March Accordion Orchestra) will perform an advent concert at the Altendorf Church in Altendorf, Schwyz, Switzerland on December 10th, 2023, at 9.30am.

The orchestra will perform a second concert entitled “Im Dezember – jedes Jahr” (“In December – every year” at the Buttikon SZ Church in Schwyz, on December 10th, 2023, at 5pm. Their concert program is below.

Entry is free. After the concert, they invite concertgoers to a mulled wine aperitif.

For details email: info@aomarch.ch
