ATG Commissions Documentary to Highlight the Accomplishments of Dr. Helmi Harrington – USA

October 20th 2023
Mary Ann Covone, ATG President
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The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) is very proud to commission a documentary memorializing the work of Dr. Helmi Harrington, a scholar and expert in all things accordion, curator since inception, at The World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, USA.

The film will highlight the collection of accordions at the museum as well as tell the story of the history and development of the accordion through the years.

The production team is from Chicago – Mobula Productions and Nikola Stojkovic (a student at Chicagoland Accordion Academy and a writer and film producer) is directing the action! Filming at the museum began on September 30th, 2023!

Watch for the release of the final product in the coming months.
View pictures at:

For further information:

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