Christine Johnstone
Christine Johnstone

Christine Johnstone NZAATC

Christine Johnstone (then Christine Adams) was the first News Collator and Editor for the Accordions Worldwide Weekly News published in eight languages. She held this important job from 1996 to November 2003.

In 2004, Christine was awarded the Merit Award of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) for her contribution to communications between accordionists worldwide.

Christine has also been awarded Life Membership of the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA).

In 2019, Christine returned as the Collator and Editor for the Accordions Worldwide Weekly News and is looking forward to being sent news of accordion concerts, festivals, workshops, seminars, masterclasses and CD/DVD releases etc., over the coming weeks and months.

Christine Johnstone has been playing the accordion for over 50 years and has been teaching since she was 16 years old. She first gained experience as an orchestra player in the “Southern Cross Accordion Orchestra” conducted by George Hyde. Later, she studied with Fay Schaw and was a foundation member of the “Major Accordion Musicale” Orchestra.

During this time Christine had a number of successes in national accordion competitions, winning the Junior Duet, the 13 years and under Championship Class and the New Zealand Open Free Bass Championship.

Christine has also performed concerts in China and in Australia as a member of the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra.

She currently is the Conductor of the North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra who have won the New Zealand Intermediate Accordion Orchestra Championships and the Junior Accordion Orchestra Championships numerous times. Christine also conducted the 2012 New Zealand Accordion Association Youth Orchestra who entertained in Auckland and Christchurch.

Her three adult children have followed their mother’s footsteps playing the accordion and enjoying competition successes. Renee is a past member of the Auckland Accordion Symphonetta, Shane is a past member of the North Shore Accordion Orchestra and Mark (the eldest) is a past member of the North Shore Accordiana Orchestra.

Christine’s grandchildren also play the accordion.

Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor
Dorothy Taylor
Dorothy Taylor

Mother of Christine, Dorothy Taylor was awarded New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Life Membership and sadly passed away in 2016.

Christine’s father, Eric Taylor, who was involved with the annual NZAA Competitions and Festival since its inception, passed away in 2024 at the age of 99. Link to news item: