DHV Vice President Manfred Kappler Receives State Badge of Honour – Germany
January 26th 2024
Christine Johnstone
On January 11th, 2024, Manfred Kappler, the Vice President of the Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e. V. (DHV – German Harmonica Association), was awarded the Badge of Honour of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
The January 2024 DHV newsletter read: “We congratulate him very warmly and are happy that he gives everything for the DHV in the country as an ambassador of accordion and harmonica music! In his commendation speech, DHV President Jochen Haußmann MdL paid tribute to Kappler’s admirable personal commitment and his enormous time commitment to the DHV and his home region.
The State Badge of Honour is awarded by the Prime Minister and was presented to Manfred by the Mayor of the municipality of Muggensturm, Johannes Kopp.”