Fernando Ávila Performs at 3rd Cantata Natalina – Brazil

December 15th 2023
Christine Johnstone

Fernado Avila Performs at 3rd Cantata

Fernando Ávila will perform with Luciana Zanatta (violin), at the 3rd Cantata Natalina concert at the Dear Santa Cafe & Bistro in Sao Joao do Polesine, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on December 16th, 2023 at 7pm.

Fernando Ávila won the 2023 Culture Highlights Award (Destaque da Cultura 2023) at Diário de Santa Maria in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil this month as recognition for his work as an instrumentalist and composer in his music video “Tema para Giovanna” (A Theme for Giovanna).

See poster for concert details.