Free Celebration mp3 Album, Honoring Lou Jacklich, Accordion Pioneer, Teacher, and Artist – USA
September 15th 2023
Pamela Tom
August was a banner and roller-coaster month for Lou Jacklich, West Coast electronic accordion pioneer from the late 1950s, teacher and performer for nearly eight decades…and still at it!
August 2023 started with a guest solo appearance at the Silicon Valley Accordion Society monthly meeting in Los Gatos, CA. He delighted the audience with a technically elite program of his outstanding original virtuoso jazz standard and classic arrangements of: “Summertime,” “Misty,” “Bumblebee – Bumble Boogie,” “Holiday for Strings,” ”Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2,” and one of his signature pieces, “A Tribute to George Gershwin” (with the theme of “Rhapsody in Blue” accented with woven hits of “The Man I Love,” “’S Wonderful,” “Bess, You is My Woman Now,” “An American in Paris,” “Summertime,” “Fascinating Rhythm,” and “I Got Rhythm”).
Known for creatively composing original tunes on the spot with notes suggested by audience members, he dazzled them with four notes into a flirtatious melody using a wide range of advanced accordion skills.
Many are on his eTracks mp3 album: “Lou Jacklich Plays” Catalog: jacklicheT
Price is only US$8 for the mp3 album You can hear 30 second sound samples as well. As a special celebration of his 95th birthday, Lou Jacklich has authorised that his mp3 album be sent free to all who request. Please send your request for this excellent album to Pamela Tom,
Email: Thank you to the amazing Lou Jacklich for the very fine gift. There is also an extensive history of his career online at: Lou Jacklich
At the 32nd Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, Elaine Cooperstein (SFAC Treasurer and Lou Jacklich student) introduced and paid tribute to her teacher and then presented Nicholas Plasichuk with SFAC’s 2023 $500 Student Scholarship in honor of Lou Jacklich. Unfortunately Lou could not attend due to Covid-19.
Towards the end of August Lou Jacklich was surprised by some of his students with a group SKYPE chat to celebrate his 95th birthday (picture below). Students wished him well and shared their favorite anecdotes among countless experiences he related as a performer. A favorite story during the call included the gig he once played at a nudist colony (he refused to follow the norm, “When in Rome…”). Jane Tripi performed her jazz interpretation of “Happy Birthday.”