“Lou Jacklich Plays!” Free eTrack MP3 Download Album, Limited Offer

October 13th 2023
Harley Jones
San Francisco Accordion Club Scholarship poster
Lou Jacklich

As a special celebration of his 95th birthday, Lou Jacklich has authorized that his mp3 album “Lou Jacklich Plays!” (Catalog: jacklicheT) and updated history be sent free (zipped file for downloading) to all requests received by November 15, 2023. Send request with your name and email address for this excellent eTrack album to Pamela Tom: accordionpam@gmail.com

Thank you to Lou JacklichAccordionUSAMusicForAccordion and Pamela Tom for making this very fine gift of accordion music available free.

Testimonial: Dear Pam, I am so impressed with Lou’s recordings. They are wonderful and demonstrate so much talent and skill. I am a true admirer of Lou. Thank you for sending the recordings. Signed, Bonnie Birch. Bonnie Birch is Chairman and Producer of the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, Producer of Seattle’s Day of the Accordion, President of Northwest Accordion Society.