Midland Accordion Festival 2024, West Bromwich – UK

January 17th 2025
Rob Howard
Midland Accordion Festival 2024
2024 Midland Accordion Festival

This 2024 Midland Accordion Festival, held in November at The Mercure West Hotel, West Bromwich, England, UK was another whirlwind weekend of non-stop accordion action. Organised by the indefatigable Barry Smith, there was something happening all the time, with workshops and concerts filling the days and evenings. Friday afternoon featured Harry Hussey, Helen Rich, and Carlo Pesticcio performing, and the evening concert had the Burton Accordion Band, Anne & Stewart Towe, Sue Bennett, and Anne-Marie Devine & Sean O’Neill all doing their stuff in great style.

Midland 2024 artists
Midland 2024 artists

Saturday saw the workshops in full swing: Intermediate Orchestra (Nigel Pasby), Elementary Orchestra (Gennaro Fiondella), Scottish Orchestra (Angie Lukins), Vintage Orchestra (Gennaro Fiondella), plus Sue Bennett and Harry Hussey doing one-to-one tuition. The afternoon was largely taken up with the Play Your Party Piece concert, which featured lots of players including myself.

The evening concert began with The Northern Lasses, beguiling their audience with a great set. Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton did their spot in classy style, presenting duets as only they can. David Vernon followed, playing an hour of wonderful Scottish and international music, interspersed with his typical humorous remarks and jokes. Barry Smith and drummer Roger Crawford closed the show with a lively and upbeat set of tunes.

The workshops had one more session on Sunday, interrupted briefly by a poignant short remembrance service at 11am to mark the end of WW1, led by Stan Shakespeare. In the afternoon there was the workshops concert followed by the auction and raffle in aid of the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

The evening concert began with a stirring set from the Black Country Accordion Band (MD Stewart Towe), followed by an hour of accordion magic from John Morgan, whose programme included River Dance, Duelling Banjos, Black & White Rag, Blue Danube, etc, astounding everybody with his brilliant acoustic and midi sounds. Follow that! But Julie Best & Jean Corrigan, Helen Rich, and Anne-Marie Devine & Sean O’Neill all did, and with great performances. The evening ended with a finale from all the artistes.

Julie Best Northern Lassies
Julie Best Northern Lassies

The trade show included an impressive display of new and used accordions presented by the Birmingham Accordion Centre, The Squeezebox Market Place and Harry Kipling’s Accordion Treasures. I had recently inherited the late Peter Whiteley’s music books, sheet music and CDs. These were all offered free, and donations given came to £150, which has been sent to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

This year’s Midland Accordion Festival is set for November 7th to 9th 2025.