“Reedblocks VI” Thessaloniki Accordion Festival – Greece

September 22nd 2023
Christine Johnstone
Reedblocks VI

The Reedblocks VI Thessaloniki Accordion Festival will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece from September 22nd to 24th, 2023.

The festival will feature concerts, workshops, seminars and an exhibition and aims to “present to the general public, students, and professional musicians of Thessaloniki and Greece the multifaceted nature of the instrument and contemporary trends regarding its role in Music Education and artistic creation.”

“Through actions such as instrument exhibitions, open seminars, activities for preschool-aged children, organizing conferences with guests from Greece and abroad, and film screenings, the festival seeks maximum exposure to a wide audience.”

Download festival program in Greek language here: 2023Reedblocks.pdf

For further information email: info@reedblocks.com