Video Now Online: XXXI “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition – Spain

December 20th 2024
Accordions Worldwide
“Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition

The XXXI “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition was held in Arrasate, Mondragón in Gipuzkoa Province, Basque Country, Spain, from December 6th to 8th, 2024.

Arrasateko Akordeoi Jaialdia is organized by Hauspoz, Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea. This entity is a non-profit association that has been working for the development of the accordion since 1974.
The current board of directors is formed by: Arantza Aguirre (President), Ander Tellería, Garazi Navas, David Gordo and Maria Zubimendi (Technical Director). 

The competition held over the weekend included festival concerts, gala events, categories for solo and ensemble and concluded with an awards ceremony at the Teatro Amaia in Arrasate on December 8th, 2024.

Results as follows:

Winner of the XXXI Arrasate Hiria International Accordion Competition: Vladimir Stupnikov (Germany)

Winner of the I Arrasate Hiria Chamber Music Competition: Sens Duo (Germany)

Winner of the XLIV Gipuzkoa Competition – Senior: Bela Brichzin

Winner of the XLIV Gipuzkoa Competition – Junior: Nicolás Florea

Winner of the XLIV Gipuzkoa Competition – Children: Andrés García

Jury Members of XLIV Gipuzkoa Accordion Competition:
Mateja Zenzerovic
Jéssica Reis
Ander Telleria
Teresa Manzanero
Víctor González
David Gordo

Jury Members of XXXVI Gipuzkoa Accordion Festival:
Amaia Lizaso
Maribel Insausti
Eduardo Vázquez
Ainhoa Iparragirre
Xabier Iridoy
Ángel Luis Goñi
Víctor González
Raúl Jiménez
David Gordo

Jury Members of XXXI “ARRASATE HIRIA” International Accordion Competition:
Stefan Hussong
Claudia Buder
Claudio Jacomucci
Iñaki Alberdi
Heidi Luosujärvi
Bjarke Mogensen

Jury Members of I “ARRASATE HIRIA” International Accordion-Chamber Music Competition:
Stefan Hussong
Claudio Jacomucci
Iñaki Alberdi
Bjarke Mogensen