“Tangueros Polares” Performs 2024 Reunion Concerts – Finland

June 21st 2024
Christine Johnstone
Tangueros Polares” Performs 2024 Reunion Concerts

After a five year break, “Tangueros Polares” will reform for reunion concerts in July as follows:

• July 26th at 6.30pm: Concert at the Chamber Music Hall of Hyvinkää Music College in Hyvinkää
• July 27th at 7pm: Concert at the Virtaa-Galleria in Kruunhaa, Helsinki

“Tangueros Polares” includes Ville Hiltula (bandoneon), Janne Tateno (violin) and Joanna Broman (piano). Their program will include Argentine tango classics, music by Astor Piazzolla and some modern tango.

Guest performers include vocalists Samuel Angelicus (on July 26th) and Emily Cheeger (on July 27th).

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com